Monday, October 28, 2013

Ready to Reconnect With A Long Lost Friend?

Act #301:  Reclaim who you were.  It's never too late.

Someone who didn't distrust strangers
Shocked at the status quo 
The kind of person who had to see a waterfall at night 
Believer in the impossible
Aspiring lawyer
Aspiring pilot
Aspiring psychologist
Aspiring street worker combating human trafficking
Aspiring (anything is possible)
An 8-year old who daydreamed about being Wonder Woman 
A little girl who sat in her front yard for hours making leis out of little white wild flowers, thinking of nothing else except the joy of being right there in that exact moment
Your turn.

1 comment:

  1. It's poignant how I came about your post - a friend of mine (who I absolutely loved being with) has invited me to connect on social media - she was one of the bubbles in an effervescent spring, and my comment is thank you!
